Child Custody Help in Georgia and Florida
During any divorce that involves a child, it is important that both parents act in the best interests of their children. It is also important that your rights as a parent are protected and that issues of child custody and visitation/time-sharing rights are made with those interests in mind. If you are dealing with custody issues, you need an attorney on your side who understands exactly what is at stake.
At McGhan Law, LLC, in Kingsland, Georgia, we provide experienced representation and compassionate service for child custody issues and other family law matters. Contact us for more information regarding child custody and schedule an initial consultation with McGhan Law, LLC.
Physical Child Custody and Legal Child Custody
If you are dealing with child custody and time-sharing issues, it is important that you understand the difference between physical and legal custody.
Physical custody refers to the place where the child or children live, as well as the person with whom that child will live, the majority of the time. Unless one of the parents is deemed unfit, joint physical custody is awarded, where the division of time is split among the parents in a manner consistent with the best interests of the children. This does not always mean 50/50.
Legal custody refers to the ability for a parent to make decisions on behalf of his or her child, such as decisions about schooling, religious upbringing, extracurricular activities, and medical care. As with physical custody, joint legal custody provides both parents with the authority to make major decisions for the child, while sole legal custody gives that authority to only one parent.
It is possible for parents to share joint legal custody without sharing joint physical custody.
Learn More About Child Custody in Georgia or Florida
If you have questions regarding the process of establishing custody or visitation rights in Georgia or Florida, contact McGhan Law, LLC to schedule an initial consultation. We will discuss your situation and provide honest advice about your options. Give your child the protection he or she needs by calling our office at (912) 576-3640.